U-Earn is the only direct to consumer lead generation platform.
Our unique service offers businesses the ability to utilise our data and build the perfect customer prospect list.
Why u-earn?
U-Earn gives you access to fully compliant consumer data to target your perfect customers, exactly when they’re looking to purchase a product or service just like yours.
Our real-time data selection and campaign delivery engine allows the creation of targeted marketing campaigns and delivers them directly to consumers who want your product.
Target your ideal customers
Utilise our compliant database to refine your target audience.
Purchase the perfect data set
With the ideal records selected you’re ready to launch the campaign.
Upload your creative and send
Our platform is built to deliver your bespoke marketing campaigns.
How it works
We make it simple for your business to purchase marketable data or create targeted surveys in minutes. You can send these right away or schedule them using our built-in calendar. In time our system will be able to suggest the best time to send your campaign based on the product or service and when there is the most likely uptake.
Say goodbye to anonymised data
U-Earn has been designed and built to allow businesses to directly target prospects across multiple marketing channels. Our simple-to-use interface, real-time search tools, and scalable architecture allows for us to deliver unparalleled results.
U-Earn are a GDPR compliant UK-based company. We will never share personal data.
Cost saving
Save on marketing spend by only targeting customers that want to hear from you.
All consumer data is fully encrypted and completely secure at all times.